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Indonesia Developers Conference

Unlock Innovation, Connect with Experts: Indonesia’s Premier Developer Conference Awaits You!

21-24 Maret 2025 | Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia


10 Aplikasi E Wallet Terbaik Jalan Pintar Mengelola Uang Di Era Digital

10 Aplikasi E-Wallet Terbaik 2025: Jalan Pintar Mengelola Uang di Era Digital

Eh, sobat mobie.tech! Masih inget nggak sih jaman dulu kita harus bolak-balik ATM atau bawa dompet tebel kemana-mana? Repot banget ya! Nah, sekarang mah beda cerita. Berkat e-wallet alias dompet digital, kita bisa bayar apa aja cuma modal gesek HP. …

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10 Aplikasi Edit Video Terbaik Untuk Laptop Dari Pemula Hingga Pro

10 Aplikasi Edit Video Terbaik untuk Laptop 2025: Dari Pemula Hingga Pro

Eh, sobat editor! Udah berapa jam nih hari ini melototin layar laptop, berjuang dengan ribuan frame video? Kalau kamu lagi galau milih aplikasi edit video yang oke punya, tenang… gue punya solusinya nih! 10 Aplikasi Edit Video Terbaik di Laptop Yuk,…

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10 Browser Terbaik Jelajahi Dunia Maya Dengan Kecepatan Dan Keamanan Maksimal

10 Browser Terbaik 2025: Jelajahi Dunia Maya dengan Kecepatan dan Keamanan Maksimal

Halo sobat netizen! Masih ingat gak sih zaman dulu waktu kita masih pake Internet Explorer dan loading halaman web rasanya kaya nunggu mie instan mateng? Nah, sekarang dunia browser udah jauh berubah. Jelajah 10 Browser Terbaik: Kisah Perjalanan Seo…

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10 Aplikasi Produktif Terbaik untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Anda

10 Aplikasi Produktif Terbaik untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Anda 2025

Dalam era digital yang serba cepat ini, produktivitas telah menjadi kunci kesuksesan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Baik Anda seorang profesional yang sibuk, mahasiswa yang dikejar deadline, atau seseorang yang ingin mengelola waktu dengan lebih ba…

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10 Media Sosial Terpopuler 2024

10 Media Sosial Terpopuler 2025: Dari Scroll Sampai Viral!

Eh, sudah nongkrong di mana aja nih hari ini? Maksudnya, di dunia maya loh ya! Zaman sekarang, ngobrol sama teman bisa dari mana aja, kapan aja. Tinggal jepret foto, upload video, atau ketik status, boom! 10 Media Sosial Terpopuler 2025 Dunia langsu…

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10 Aplikasi Linux Terbaik Panduan Lengkap Untuk Pembaca Mobie.tech

10 Aplikasi Linux Terbaik 2025: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pembaca Mobie.tech

Dunia Linux selalu penuh kejutan. Bagi sebagian orang, sistem operasi open-source ini mungkin terdengar rumit dan hanya cocok untuk para jenius komputer. Tapi tunggu dulu! Jangan buru-buru mengambil kesimpulan. Linux sebenarnya bisa jadi sahabat set…

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Connect, Innovate, and Lead in Indonesia’s Growing Tech Scene!

The Mobie.tech Indonesia Developers Conference is your gateway to cutting-edge technology, industry insights, and meaningful connections with top developers, industry experts, and forward-thinking innovators. Dive into workshops, networking sessions, and talks that will redefine your tech journey and keep you at the forefront of the industry.

Exclusive Access to Resources

Gain access to conference-only resources, presentations, and recordings. Plus, continue learning long after the event with access to our community platform and post-event workshops.


Why should you attend? Key Benefits:

Discover Emerging Tech Trends

Be the first to explore breakthrough technologies and new developments shaping the future of the industry. Dive into discussions on sustainability, security, and scalability in tech, tailored to the Indonesian market.

Learn from Industry Leaders

Hear from Indonesia’s and the world’s top tech experts, thought leaders, and pioneers across various fields. Stay ahead of the curve with insights on the latest programming languages, frameworks, AI developments, and more.

Hands-On Workshops and Demos

Get practical experience with the latest tools and technologies. Our interactive workshops cover everything from backend to frontend, mobile development to AI integration, ensuring you walk away with valuable skills you can apply immediately.


Networking and Career Growth

Meet like-minded developers, potential mentors, and even future collaborators. With our dedicated networking sessions, you’ll have the chance to build relationships, share knowledge, and explore career opportunities.

Limited Discount Code








Mobie Tech Event Sponsors




Exhibiting Startups


Talks & Workshops



What our visitors say

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“An inspiring experience! I learned more in two days at Mobie.tech than in months of online courses. It’s a must for any developer serious about their career.”

— Rizki S., Backend Developer

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“The connections I made at Mobie.tech were invaluable. I collaborated with new contacts on two major projects since the conference!”

— Anggun M., Full-Stack Engineer

Don’t Miss Out on Indonesia’s Biggest Developer Event!

Membership & Ticket options

Secure your spot today and be part of a community that’s shaping the future of tech in Indonesia.

1 Day

Access to 4 Tracks

Coffee & Launch

$ 45

Gold Pass

Access to 6 Tracks

Networking Area

Coffee & Launch

$ 97

VIP Pass

Access to 6 Tracks

VIP Access to All Areas

Coffee Breaks & Launch

$ 427


Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia